Part 1: Sustained Investigation
The Sustained Investigation consists of 15 Images with corresponding text for each image and what is call the Written Evidence (artist statement)
The prompt for the Written Evidence is:
Identify the question(s) or inquiry that guided your sustained investigation.
Describe how your sustained investigation shows evidence of practice, experimentation, and revision guided by your question(s) or inquiry.
To see more information on the Sustained Investigation go to this link:
Sustained Investigation
Part 2: Selected Works
The Selected Works consists of your top 5 images with corresponding text for each image
To see more information on the Selected Works go to this link
Selected Works
Below is a complete portfolio:
Sara Snell Portfolio
Score: 5
Topic: Macro Lens Photography
This Portfoflio is complete with all text included
Sara Snell AP Portfolio with all text
To see many samples of high scoring portfolios from NPHS students go here:
Sample AP Portfolios