Here is the link from the College Board website that explains how to upload and manage your the images on the Sustained Investigation:
Sustained Investigation Image Management
You must eventually upload 15 Sustained Investigation images to the AP website.
The order you can turn them in can be easily changed. This link below explains how to work with your images.
Image file size must be under 4MB. If an image is not, please go to “What if my Image File is OVer 4MB?” on Canvas or on the AP Porfolio Overview page on this website to find the link.
Text PART 1: Explanation of Materials and Processes
(this is the text that goes along the side of each you submit including Sustained Investigation)
Each image submitted must have a short explanation of the materials and processes used (100 characters maximum each).
Materials used for photography is often:
DSLR or Film SLR
If your image is from a phone or tablet I would say “digital camera” not iPhone, Samsung Phone, etc.
Software used: Photoshop (even if you used Photopea), Lightroom or any others you used.
Special lenses, filters, lighting equipment
Anything else you think appropriate
Processes used for photography:
Techniques used in Photoshop, Lightroom, or other software (layer masks, adjustment layers, transform tools, gradients, filters, etc.)
Lighting Techniques during shoot
Camera settings (like shutter speed, ISO and aperture settings) that are integral to the outcome of image (for example: for a bulb exposure, how long was the shutter open? For depth of field, what was the f/stop, etc.)
To find the camera settings, go to this webpage for an explanation:
Google Photos – How to Find Camera Settings (f/stop, shutter speed, ISO)
Anything else you think that would be helpful in helping understand how your image was created
Here is an example From Enola Lagrave’s Portfolio of the text she used for this part of the portfolio (Score: 5).
(click on images to see larger):
Please note that because of COVID-19 emergency school campus closures in 2020 only 10 images were submitted instead of 15. You will be turning in 15 this year.
Text PART 2: Written Evidence (artist statement)
Here is the link to the College Board Website that explains the the Written Evidence:
College Board Explanation of Written Evidence
You must give a written statement responding to this prompt. Your response cannot exceed 600 characters.
Identify the question(s) or inquiry that guided your sustained investigation.
Describe how your sustained investigation shows evidence of practice, experimentation, and revision guided by your question(s) or inquiry.
Putting It All Together: Images and Text
Here is a complete Sustained Investigation Section of the the Portfolio with all text by Sara Snell (Score: 5)
Sara Snell Sustained Investigation with text