Photoshop Tutorials

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Great website for Photoshop Tutorials


Getting Images from Google Photos to Photoshop and Edited Images back to Google Photos for grading


Basic Photoshop Editing

Here is the Basic Photoshop Editing Tutorial in PDF Form:

Basic Editing Photoshop


How to take a screen shot of your image open in Photoshop


How to save files with Photoshop


Overlay for Enhanced Contrast



Mask Use Introduction in Photoshop


Digital Hand Painting Using a Mask


You will turn in 5 images with a before edit image, image open in Photoshop (screen shot), and the final image

Here is Mr. Lindroth’s sample album:

Mr. Lindroth’s Hand Painting Album

Here is a video tutorial on how to Digital Hand Paint in Photoshop:

Here is the Photoshop tutorial is PDF form:

Digital Hand Painting Photoshop


Mask to Fix Underexposure


Mask to Fix Merger

Fixing a Merger (more advanced)


Here is a video tutorial that demonstrates how to get rid of a merger in the background using a layer mask and brush tool using Photoshop:



Digital Photomontage Tutorial


Transform Tool


Non-Destructive Dodge and Burn

Here is the video tutorial that explains how to edit a portrait using Non-Destructive Dodging and Burning:

Here is written instructions for the tutorial above:

Non-Destructive Dodge and Burn (Photoshop Essentials Website)


Touching up Damaged Images



Advanced Touch up