AP Final Portfolio

For the class, every student must complete a Google Slide Presentation or PowerPoint of their final AP Portfolio (converted into a PDF).


You will include

Title Slide that reads

Your Name

AP Studio Art Final Portfolio and year of submission

Written Evidence 

Here are the two prompts that you must answer for the Written Evidence:

  • Identify the inquiry that guided your sustained investigation.

  • Describe ways your sustained investigation developed through practice, experimentation, and revision. 

15 Sustained Investigation images

 5 Selected Works 

Text Entries for all 15 Sustained Investigation Images

Text Entries for all 5 Selected Works Images

There should be 26 slides in this.




See Cali Woomer’s and Emma Lindroth’s Slides as an example:

Cali Woomer- AP Studio Art Final Portfolio 2023


Emma Lindroth – AP Studio Art Final Portfolio 2023


Please save your slides as a PDF and then upload that file to Canvas

Here are Sample High Scoring AP Portfolios that you can look at for examples.  The 2023 portfolios are the ones you want to look at for the format we now use for this:

Sample AP Portfolios